When you need to find out how far apart to plant your broccoli seeds or you need to locate the closest urgent care facility, you probably turn to Google for the answers. Google seems to know the answer to every question you have, so it also makes sense that Google is capable of revealing some important information about that home you are thinking about buying, as well as the surrounding area. Below are four questions homebuyers should Google before buying.
Your realtor has likely provided you with basic information you need to know, such as cost and community budget, but you may have some other questions. Some HOAs do not allow boats to be parked in driveways, and many don’t even let you wash your car on your property. You will also want to find out if fences are permitted, especially if you have pets or children. In some instances, your Google search results might even return HOA online reviews.
You definitely do not want to move into a home only to find out that there are some serious health concerns you should have known about prior. For example, if you are looking at a home that is located close to an airport, you might not realize that chemicals can be a concern in a fly zone. Alternatively, how would you feel about finding out the home was once a drug lab before it was raided? It is not a concern if extensive cleanup was done, but if not, you could not imagine what’s lurking in your ductwork or absorbed in the carpet.
Use Google to find the crime rate of the surrounding area. Keep in mind though that statistics generally cover a fairly large area. If you are looking at a home in an affluent area that is ten miles from a questionable area, the information you find may not be valid.
Researching out the area could reveal something that validates that the house is perfect for you or it could end up turning you away. Discovering that there is a Whole Foods or yoga studio within walking distance may be music to your ears, but learning that there was a permit issued recently to build a nightclub on that vacant land across the street may not be something you want to deal with.
If you do not make the effort to find out important information about the neighborhood or location you are interested in, your dream home could end up becoming your worst nightmare. Finding an area you love is just as important as making sure the home has the features you are looking for. For best results, do as much homework as possible before making the purchase.